Dartmouth Museum
What’s On in and around Dartmouth
Forthcoming Events

OPEN EVENING – FREE FOR RESIDENTS: Wednesday 10th & Thursday 11th JULY
from 5 to 7 pm
If you haven’t been to the Museum lately, you may not seen our new exhibitions: The Mayflower story; Newcomen & the Engines that Changed the World; the David Hulse Collection of model atmospheric engines and D-Day 80.
So take advantage of this Summer offer of a free visit to the Museum on:
Come along after 5pm and there’ll be a steward to help you get the most from your visit.

A MUSEUM TALK WITH DAVID HULSE: Wednesday August 7th – Doors open at 5:30pm, event starts at 6.00pm – The Clifton Rooms, Dartmouth Guildhall.
An illustrated talk by David Hulse, about his research into Thomas Newcomen and how it inspired him to research, design, and build the unique collection of Atmospheric Engines in the Dartmouth Museum.
David Hulse donated his collection to the Dartmouth Museum in 2023. It is a unique collection of 8 working atmospheric engines at 1/16 scale. However, there are no designs available for these engines so David had to research each one to determine exactly how they worked and how each piece and element fitted in to make the whole engine.
David’s presentation will give you insights into how he went about this monumental task and the impact it had on his life and his achievements in terms of research, design and building the models.